Supporting quality of life and economic development in Marathon County.
Since the Judd S. Alexander Foundation began in 1973, local grants totaling more than $55 million have been distributed to support quality of life and economic development in the Wausau area. The Foundation fosters and promotes strong public-private partnerships to engage the whole community in programs and projects for the benefit of current and future generations in Marathon County.
The Judd S. Alexander Foundation is represented by a four-person board of community leaders who have awarded grants of $1,000 to $1,000,000 to help support worthy projects related to:
• economic development,
• arts and culture,
• enrichment programs (camps) for youth and adults with special needs,
• children and human services,
• education,
• recreation,
• and other endeavors.
The Foundation welcomes requests for grants from local project leaders and also initiates funding of important projects to improve our area. Beyond providing funds, we have championed and openly advocated for a number of important local development projects including the Wausau Center Mall, Wausau's Riverfront Development and various downtown redevelopment projects.
The Board

Back L to R: Dwight E. Davis - Vice President
Gary W. Freels - President
John T. Tubbs - Director